"FreeDance is a fitness practice you never have to talk yourself into doing; it feeds your mind and body's appetite for discovery, expression, spontaneity and improvisation. With regular practice, you will naturally begin to tune into the uniqueness of each moment and find yourself more "in" your body, connected to life through your body.
I promise: no dance will ever feel the same because as FreeDance reveals, you are never the same.
FreeDance ignites your desire to learn more about who you are - and who you can be - by encouraging you to move differently, listen to music more intimately and deeply connect to your emotions. The practice expands your movement choices, helping you break rigid or repetitive movement habits and inspiring you to express yourself in more dynamic ways.
FreeDance allows you to move without "editing," without interfering with your natural movements, bringing your unconscious creative self to the surface.
Unlike many forms of dance, FreeDance is a practice of connecting you to you, to Your Body's Way... it shows you there is always more - another feeling, style and expression that reveals who you are in this moment and who you desire and dream to be...
FReedance gives you a platform for constant renewal guided by internal forces, not external images that tell you how you "should" be or what you "should" do. It gives you the opportunity to self-refer, to connect with your body, to your feelings, to pleasurable sensations and thoughts. By dancing and referring to "self," you become aware of the choices and decisions you are making, good and bad. Upon reflection, you can make changes to support your healing and transformation to more deeply understand and love your body and life."
And check out www.nianow.com for more great resources. Enjoy!